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    Currently hiring. The hyperlink below will take you to the page containing the application. The page will go over the procedures of becoming staff. Goodluck!   


                                        Staff Procedures


[GOD]Hero - Tyler

[GOD]Kingdom - Chris

[GOD]Jedi - Cooper

[GOD]Asira - Angel


 Hello Everybody! This is the official list of Legends Of Heroes Staff. Don't be fooled by characters pretending to be staff. Always check this page to verify a staff member. This list is UPDATED EVERY TIME STAFF IS HIRED so do not fall for the fake staff gigs. You may come across people that can change the color of there text in the message box. That doesn't mean anything. If you find anyone doing this, report it to the nearest staff member.


 New staff can be appointed at any time. Do not bother [GM]'s with applications [GOD]'s can appoint staff positions. Meaning, only Tyler (Hero), Chris (Kingdom), and Cooper (Jedi) can appoint staff. 

[GOD] -  the highest overall rank in and out of game (the game creators).​

[ADMIN] - for all intensive purposes, [GOD]. The Second-Highest rank in and out of game. Not a game creator, but regarded as so, when it comes to authority.

[GM] - the Game Managers, in many cases the people with the huge "GM" sign on their head (seriously you can't miss it). Deals with account problems.

[HD] - the Help Desk, for answering questions about the game and explaining game related situations. Does not have power over accounts.
[PC] - Player Cops, people in-game appointed on keeping the game safe of flammers, and  scammers. P.S. * is the rank the PC is. PC's are considered lower level staff. For Example: [PC]0000**  

[LE] - The first ten players in the  game. These players are given full Legend set. Responsible for training the rest of the players and dealing with the  newbies (Newbie Guide). LE's are not considered staff.


Check out the Legends Of Heroes "Court System" (Beta) 

Legends of Heroes © 2015-2016

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