Legends Of Heroes Server Rules:
Section 1:
No spamming in any chats - (Buying, Selling, and Trading Items in World and Trade is ok). Spamming advertisements for your commerce in local chats is not acceptable. Constantly begging other players for money is also unnacceptable and will result in a temporary mute.
No Flaming - Insulting people based on their sex, sexual orientation, race, or dissability will result in a 24 hour mute (or more [depending on the severity] if significant proof is presented)
No Hacking - Hacking is completely unacceptable under any circumstances and will result in a permanent ban!
No Scamming - We encourage our players to value integrity and their personal dignity. A player can be jailed (up to an hour) for scamming
No Duping - Duplicating Items and Equipment falls under the same category as hacking and will be dealt with in the same measures. We strongly encourage our players to ask before downloading any software to make "gemming" easier.
No Persecution - No encouraging religous beliefs on other players under ANY circumstances. Legends of Heroes is a religion free server that does not tolerate religous persecution.
Report System - If a player is to witness a violation of rules and regulations or terms of service they are to report it immediately. If the player is to not report the violation, they are considered an accomplice to the crime.
Hack/Scam Case - If a Hack or Scam case is not reported within a 3 month period (after the issue) Legends of Heroes staff are enabled to consider it a "Cold Case". We strongly encourage our players to report Hacks, Scams, and any other issues immediately after the event happens.
Section 2:
You are expected to treat peers and Legends Of Heroes Staff with respect
Staff are permitted to PK other players (on their non-staff account) if the identity of their non-staff account remains unknown. [We want our staff to enjoy the game too]
Staff are not permitted to treat any player differently based on personal relationship - staff are not permitted to treat any player better then others based on a familiarity with the player. Staff are not permitted to be ill-mannered toward a player based on a personal conflict
Staff will be respectful to all players (no matter what the player says or does to them). (Rule #2 of Section #1 Applies; if someone is flaming the specified staff )
If a player is to flame a staff member, the staff member retains the right to mute the player for up to 1 hour depending on severity. (Rule #2 of Section #1 applies)
Staff are not permitted to share their staff accounts with any other players under ANY circumstances
Staff are not permitted to expose their account information in ANY 3rd party
Section 3:
No staff will punish a player (via mute, jail, ban) without a significant reason
For every action a staff member takes against a player, they will fill out the corresponding report
Whatever statement a player makes after recieving a punishment (via mute, jail, ban) will be recorded by the staff member that issued it
Staff members are not allowed to modify the original statement a player gives after recieving a punishment. [Fixing grammatical, spelling, and any other errors in the statement is unacceptable]. The statement must be recorded in the same exact state it was given
Staff members are required to have their email open while online and active in-game at ALL times
All staff members must undergo staff training before they recieve the designated staff position.
Staff will be examinated regularly during their working hours
Staff are required to memorize all rules and regulations stated above and in the "Staff Rules" page.
Staff are required to review their procedures atleast once every month
Staff will take a mandatory test on the procedures every month
Last Modified: Friday, October 30, 2015