A. Newbie Guide
In this game the newbie guides will be located in near the three main cities (Argent City, Icicle City, Shaitan City, and Gala City) fountains. The Newbie Guide in these various cities would be named Senna , Carlos, and Vincent. It will help Newly joined gammers to adjust and get a head start on the leveling. It may also help answer beginner FAQ such as: How can I talk to staff? and Where can I level up?
All Blacksmiths have npc's for forging, gems, and combining:
Apparel Tailor - Lance ; 1295,535 Icicle
Apparel Tailor - Carsise ; 1291,537 Icicle
Apparel Tailor - Phyllis ; 1292,544 Icicle
Apparel Tailor - Ami ; 1294,545 Icicle
LB Quest Giver - Teleporter - Chun Li ; 3327, 2513 Spring Town
Sand Bag Shop - 2191, 2760 Argent
Wood Cutting Island Teleporter - BD Gem Exchanger ; 2192,2722
Forsaken City Portal - 2299,2744 Argent
Dark Swamp Portal - 2299,2753 Argent
Supreme Master - 419,614 Dream Island
C. Leveling Guide
This is the complete leveling guide for the new server, Legends of Heroes. In this game there will be no level skipping.
EX. Going to Aurora Island and leveling from 1 to lvl 100
In this server there will be the traditional way of leveling. This servers levels go to level 175.
Lv. 1 - 5 Lv. 5 - 45 Lv. 45 - 55 or 60 Lv. 55 - 75
Newbie Guide Abandoned Mine Haven 1-3 Demonic Island Canary Island
Lv. 75 - 90 Lv. 90 - 100 Lv. 100 - 115 Lv. 115 - 135
Aurora 1 Aurora 2 Hell House Hell's Chapter
Lv. 135 - 140 Lv. 140 - 150 Lv. 150 - 175
Death Forest Raellay EXP Pamphlets
D. Money Making Guide
E. Gemming
Gemming is quite simple. Don't be that person that doesn't know how to gem his equipment and gems everything wrong.
Level 1 Gemming
- First you're gonna need an empty socket so your going to have to make one
- To make an empty socket go to disciple (next to blacksmith) and you buy a socket pearl. Go to the blacksmith, click on "Add socket" and make your socket.
- Second your gonna need a gem that corresponds with the type of armor you're trying to gemming (colo, rage, red jade, yellow jade, BD Eye, BD Heart, etc.)
- Third you're gonna need a refining gem. Get this gem from the gem seller (next to blacksmith) slide a refining gem into your inventory and click "buy".
- Now your gonna take this gem to the Blacksmith and you're gonna click "forge" and from there you're going to put your armor in the first space, your ______ gem in the second and your refining gem in the third and then your gonna click forge.
F. Rebirth Guide
Rebirth (RB)1-3:
Doing Rebirth is also another great thing here, Only 2 stack's of kal's and you have First, 2nd and 3rd RB and kal's are easyly farmed here just go to DW 2 and there you go. Once you got the kals, you need to go to Heaven by Using Carribean Tour Ticket which can be bought at Ticket Seller beside Argent Teleporter but you will be needed Goddess Favor first, Once you have those 2 Use the ticket and go at Heaven Teleporter(472,1054) and follow the road up ahead.
Rebirth (RB)4: Probably the hardest thing you will do so far. You will have to first kill a VB (Volcanic Beast). This should be easy. Next, you will have to kill 2 Lava Dragons. In most servers, you will have bullies killing you, not partying you, and stealing the kill for your Lava Dragon. In this server, we will try are best to make it more fair.
G. Best Armor's
Hero Armor:
Legend Armor:
Vip Armor:
Kylin Armor: