In-depth explanation of Staff!
[GOD] - Can do anything and everything within the boundaries of the server. The game creators are reasonable and will work off of their morals and common sense. The only staff with control over the online website. They may take any case they want into their own hands. They will answer questions about the server and will try to be at the players aid at all times.
[ADMIN] - Administrators are generally rare. Administrators retain the same power as a [GOD], however, they are not game creators. Game Administrators generally focus on specific tasks and the logistics of the Server. Most Administrators wont have an active role in-game, but will have the role of a [GOD] on the website. Administrators, however, can be hired and fired by the game creators.
[GM] - Game Managers can deal with account issues and hacked cases. They may also: jail players, mute players, create in-game events, manage the server, request bans, and ban players. [GM]'s can ban your account only if they fill out a report to a [GOD] with detailed reasoning. Otherwise, the account will be put into the server jail until "trial". ALL characters on the account will be put into jail. If you are falsely imprisoned by a [GM] we strongly apologize for the inconvenience. No [GM] has the right to jail a player without explaining why they are jailing the player and writing down the players statement in their ban report (no exeptions). Game Managers can mute players (for a specific amount of time or indefinately). Game Managers can also access the System's Messaging Panel. As [GM]'s will be busy at most times, only contact them for the matters listed above.
[HD] - Help Desks can: report hacked cases, answer questions about the game, start in-game events, jail players, and mute players. Help Desks cannot ban players. Help Desks cannot access player accounts. Help Desks may not use commands on any players. As the same as [GM]'s, Help Desks will fill out a form (similar to the ban report) called the "Arrest Statement". This will explain their reasoning for arresting the player and will include the player's statement. Help Desks can arrest any player until their trial. No Help Desk can jail a player without filling out an Arrest Statement. If Help Desks feel a player should be banned, they will report it to a [GM] and the [GM] will decide whether it is valid reasoning for a potential ban. The Game Manager will then fill out a Ban Report to the [GOD]'s for review. Help Desks have the power to mute players for certain amounts of time (no more than 3 hours). Help Desks can jail players for a limit of 24 hours maximum.
[PC] - Player Cops can repremand players and jail players (for certain amounts of time). No Player Cops can jail Players for more then 1 hour. Player Cops can also mute players for 30 minutes maximum. Player Cops are held to high standards and will not jail other players without good reasoning. Players Cops can also troubleshoot account/client issues and explain simple solutions to frequent problems.
[LE] - Legendary Players answer questions about the game. They are held to higher standards then normal players. They will tell you if you are doing something against the rules and will repremand you. Legendary Players will report any players not following the rules to a Player Cop.
Player Council - After certain amounts of time, the [GOD]'s will summon a Player Council. Similar to "Jury Duty" in the United States, it will be random. 30 Players will be selected. Players will state their opinions on our current staff policies and their powers. They will suggest things we can do to improve our staff. They will suggest changes to our rules and we will consider them. The Gods will evaluate all reports of incidents by the staff and assess them. Players will state their opinions on the current staff. If Players were treated unfairly by staff and are in possesion of significant proof, the staff member will be suspended (all staff abilities temporarily revoked) and put on trial. If the staff member is found guilty of unfairly treating a player they can get "strikes" or be fired immediately [depending on the severity]. After a staff member gets 3 strikes, they will be fired or suspended for extended amounts of time [depending on severity]. Our staff members are appointed with integrity, we expect them to hold themselves to high standards and be responsible. We do not tolerate unfair treatement to any player.