Happy Holidays + New Updates!
It has been I little to long since my last News update. Just saying I am so sorry! Happy Holidays to everyone. It's not snowy for me because of my recent relocation.A lot of you have been asking me if the server was abandoned, or when it will be done. Well due to "laws" of our server I can't tell you when it will be done, but I can assure you it has not been abandoned. Are staff team has been working there butts of to get everything in order. Thank you all, for being patient with us on our long, long journey. Well, (as you have probably seen) there we're new things added to the website, the page link will be at the end. We have added an "Quick Chat" page if you guys want to chat it up sometime. And the biggest update is the "Customer Support" page. This is basically live chat. How this works: You can ask question's on in the questions box and they will be answered within 24 hours. If these questions are asked very frequently than it will be added to the FAQ's part or the Frequently Asked Questions. If you have an urgent problem then you can type in the left box, and your Live Chat will be responded to as soon as possible. Live Chat will most likely be 2 at a time or 3 at a time. Once we figure out how to have 3 staff members one live chat at one time. Here are the links to the new pages that were added: http://legendsxheroes.wix.com/heroes#!quick-chat/c95a : Quick Chat
Customer Support Page link: http://legendsxheroes.wix.com/heroes#!customer-support/c1svm
Thanks, all of you for being so patient.
Sincerely, Tyler.
