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Version 3.03

Site version 3.03 is out. There have been tons of appearance changes and many added pages. The "Rules" page is now finished. The "Staff" Pages are now finished. We have added many things such as "Player Government" which can be found in the form of a button on the "Staff" page. We have added a detailed explanation of the staff positions. We have added a "Player Court" System which can be found in the form of a button in the "Staff" page. We have added a "Staff Status" page which can be found in the form of a button in the "Staff" page. "Staff Status" will show the if the staff member is online, their job details, and their last login date (if they're offline). The Staff application form has been modified. New Staff positions were added. Staff have been given a full list of rules and consequences. "Quest Database" has been added. "Staff(Private)" (the page exclusively for staff members already hired) has been renamed "Staff Lounge". The Market has recieved slight appearance updates. An "About Us" page has been added explaining our mission and why we joined this area. One of our old Player Cops has been fired. The "Feedback" form has been updated. The "Game Guide" appearance has been updated. The "Award Center" Page appearance has drastically changed. "Vote For Credits" Page appearance has been changed and you can now report a broken link (doesn't lead to a voting page). All incoming Staff and current Staff will recieve a procedures list. A new Report System has been added so that staff members may make more organized reports. The new Report System also includes examples to make the best report you can within the format. The "Community" page has now been locked and is currently under construction and will be back as soon as possible. The "Forum" page is still inactive. The "Register" and "Login" buttons have been rendered inactive until they serve a purpose. Now, there is a smart response system in place so you can still comment in a forum type manner. New screenshots have been added to the "Screenshots" page. Terms of Service have changed. We HIGHLY recommend you review them and give us Feedback on them. The "Customer Support" page has gone down for reconstruction. I have added a "Classes" page explaining our unique class types and there new weapons. "Momma Dragon" Page has been added explaining the newest creature in the LOHO family!

Look Forward To:

  1. Completed visual changes to ALL the pages (including the Market)

  2. The fixing of Customer Support

  3. The fixing of any broken Vote For Credits links

  4. Changes to the Quest Database

  5. The reopening of the Community page

  6. A larger explanation of Momma Dragon

  7. More pages

  8. A new Forum

  9. Responses to Feedback

  10. A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page


Legends of Heroes © 2015-2016

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