3.01 Is a go
Hey guys, its about 3:00 AM (For me) and I just finished Website: Update 3.01. Took me ALL NIGHT lol. Well, the Award Center is all set...

Update 3.0
Hello guys I just wanted to say that i updated the website :) Sincerely, Chris Omlei

Hey guys, I am proud to tell you we have a new forum. Go to: Legendsofheroes.enjin.com and make your new account.

The main computer for making the server recently crashed. The making of the server will be currently puased untill there is a chance to...

Site: Version 2.09
Hey guys, I just luanched site version 2.09 and it is awesome. It contains a new Updates page (password protected) that has all new...

Site: Version 2.08
Site version 2.08 is a go. 2.09 will be released tonight with som new feature's. 2.09 will contain a password protected list of ideas....

Site: Version 2.07!
Hello guys, whats up? Well, as you can see the site Version 2.07 is a luanch... You like it? Well I'll keep you posted on the server....

Sorry, New Updates. New Design!
I know you guy's are probably pissed. It was all Chris's fault (Just Kidding). Its been a long time. Sorry guys. We had a lot of set...

Check it out we've started the server guide page and it totally rocks. Just go to the more button, click, and read to get a head start on...